Yiğit Günsür Elmacıoğlu


My name is Yiğit Günsür Elmacıoğlu. If you don't speak turkish, don't spend time trying to pronounce, it's a bit hard :relaxed: Just "Yeet" is fine!

I'm a Ph.D student in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Princeton University. I had my bachelor's degree in both Mechanical Engineering and Physics at Boğaziçi University, a highly prestigious school with most students scoring 0.1% on the nationwide exam, as the top student in my department. My systematic and aesthetic problem-solving abilities form a substantial part of my personality, acquired after years of observation of 2 architects mom&sister and a computer engineer father, my life-long mentors.

Brief personal background...

Growing up with 2 architects, I believe I have obtained a good aesthetic vision and crafting skills. I care a lot about the visual quality of my projects as much as the content. Maybe that's why I made this website :smile: As a person who loves watching documentaries, I think visual representations significantly facilitate learning, even the most difficult concepts.

I love cycling. Even in Istanbul, a very hilly city, I travel mostly on my bike. Recently, I converted my bike to an e-bike, and I think it is the best way of transport in a very crowded city, but not the safest for sure. Also, in my free time, I play acoustic and electro guitar (depending on my mood). In high school, I was in a band. If I ever have the chance again, I want to play with others.

In primary school, I was a swimmer. For 7 years, I spent a lot of time in the pool, training. I believe that training with a professional coach at a young age gives you a certain understanding of respect and demureness. In addition, when swimming 5 km per training session, you have so much time to think. Maybe, that's why I like brainstorming by myself and also why I sometimes overthink.

My nephews
The cutest nephews ever !